The PACODEP team in collaboration with Free the Slaves(FTS) as part of implementing the Growing up Free(GUF) project formed Community Wide Child Rights Clubs throughout 8 project communities within the Krachi West and krachi Nchumburu Districts. The purpose for the...
SCHOOL ITEMS FOR TRAFFICKED SURVIVORS When asking most of the survivors at the Village of Life shelter what’s the best thing about their life now, they will tell you it is the chance to go to school. They have an...
Economic poverty is a major factor in parents vulnerability in most of the communities PACODEP works with. ACODEP Livelihood and Empowerment Program is aimed at empowering men, women, and young adults to be economically stable. This is done through supporting...
PACODEP believes in children and their future leaders of Ghana and the World, hence the need to provide them a safe environment growth. he PACODEP Village of Life Academy provides formal education for children from Nursery to JHS. The school...
PACODEP helps provide a safe environment for children who are being exploited in fishing, farming, child abuse, domestic labor, child marriage, and cattle herding sectors. This is done by safely retrieving the children from exploitive conditions with the help and...