The PACODEP team in collaboration with Free the Slaves(FTS) as part of implementing the Growing up Free(GUF) project formed Community Wide Child Rights Clubs throughout 8 project communities within the Krachi West and krachi Nchumburu Districts.
The purpose for the formation of the club os to bring together children (both children enrolled in sch. and children not enrolled in sch.) in the community to equip them with knowledge on their rights and responsibilities, give them a platform/voice to contribute in addressing issues that affect them in the community, to encourage those who are not in school to be enrolled.
In some communities, games were organized to earmark the opening of the clubs and winners were awarded.
The team also used the opportunity to enlighten the children on the purpose for the formation and importance of the club to them as children and the community at large.
reas of focus include, but are not limited to issues on Child Protection (Child Trafficking and Child Labor), women empowerment and general health education.
Our target for this project for the year 2021 is estimated at $50,000.