+233 (0) 242 202 629 pacodepgh@yahoo.co.uk


  • Featured Causes
    The PACODEP team in collaboration with Free the Slaves(FTS) as part of implementing the Growing up Free(GUF) project formed Community Wide Child Rights Clubs throughout 8 project communities within the Krachi...
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    Village of Life Academy offers education for nursery, kindergarten, primary, and Junior High levels. It is a private school located on the grounds of the shelter. here are currently about 470...
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    PACODEP helps provide a safe environment for children who are being exploited in fishing, farming, child abuse, domestic labor, child marriage, and cattle herding sectors. This is done by safely retrieving...
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What it means to sponsor: As a Village of Life sponsor, above all, you are reminding the child of the truth; that they are valuable and loved. We have watched the sponsorships almost instantaneously transform a child’s demeanor to joy and confidence. To know that someone, possibly even across the world, is making the that...
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