+233 (0) 242 202 629 pacodepgh@yahoo.co.uk


Donation Goal For This Project is $5,000
1% Donated/$4,933 To Go
Donate Now


When asking most of the survivors at the Village of Life shelter what’s the best thing about their life now, they will tell you it is the chance to go to school. They have an amazing appreciation for their education because they have tasted and seen what a life without it looks like, both for themselves and in seeing its effects on those around them. They know more than anyone the lack of education cultivates a multitude of other shortcomings. Namely, poor work ethic and low moral standards which leads to the use of child labor in the work industry.


y supporting these amazing and brave survivors with things like, new textbooks, new uniforms and new school shoes, you are not only making their dreams come true, but you are also setting a trajectory for change in Ghana which will, overtime, break the cycle of child trafficking, forced labor, poverty, and so much more.

The goal is set for $5000, but any and every amount, large and small, makes a difference. Even $50 can buy a new uniform- shoes included, $10 can buy a textbook and $0.50 can buy a pencil and eraser. So even if it may feel too small to you, it can make a huge and positive impact in the life a child who once had little hope for a bright future.